SMART Center's Artificial Intelligence offerings:

The SMART Center provides A.I. training and resources for the campus and community. Faculty can learn to incorporate A.I. in teaching and research. Students can gain skills through new A.I. tools and hands-on projects. Staff can attend short workshops and webinars on A.I. applications. Local employers have access to A.I. workforce training and a pipeline of trained graduates.

  • Faculty are able to take professional development courses (onsite and online) to understand the impact of A.I., to learn how to integrate AI tools and content into their existing courses, and legal implications, guidelines, etc. This helps them stay on the cutting edge of their fields.For students, there are courses and certificates available in data science and machine learning. Students can work on capstone projects using AI to solve real-world problems.
  • Workshops/Webinars for staff cover topics like using AI for process automation, predictive analytics for decision making, and machine learning for marketing/customer analytics.
  • Local businesses partner with the SMART Center to help reskill and upskill their workforce. Employees can earn nanodegrees and badges in AI skills most needed by employers.
  • The center houses an AI lab with the latest hardware and software. Researchers can access powerful computing resources for developing new models and applications.
  • Community members can take free introductory classes on AI basics, ethics, and potential career paths in the industry.

The goal is providing comprehensive AI resources to empower learning, innovation and workforce development at the university and within the surrounding region.